Frequently asked questions
What should my child bring to camp?
-water bottle
-change of clothes
-bathing suit
-sneakers are recommended for all campers
-snack (for children entering Kindergarten and First grade)
-lunch or money for lunch
-backpack or draw string bag is preferable
*please write your child's name on everything
What should my child not bring to camp?
-all technology is prohibited from camp
*If your child has a cell phone, we ask that they do not take it out during camp. The cell phone should be used only if they need to get in contact with their parent or guardian.
-toys from home
-trading cards
* We have set these rules because we do not want any valuable items getting lost, broken, or stolen. We also work to create an environment that fosters play and creativity without the barriors formed by technology.
What if my child gets injured or sick at camp?
We have a health director on site who is trained in sports and medicine. He will handle any issues relating to illness or injury, and he will contact you if there are any problems. Also, if there is any important medical information about your child be sure to inform a member of staff.
What are the lunch options other than from home?
RP summer camp has a deal with Angelo's pizza for lunch. In the morning, you will be able to order your child's lunch from Mr. I. He will take take the money directly from you so you never have to worry about your child losing the money.
What is the snack store?
After lunch, children have the option of going to our camp snack store. The store offers a variety of drinks, ice cream, ice pops, candy, and chips. You can send money with your child if you would like, or you could start a credit with Mr. I. This credit allows you to not have to worry about your child losing the money you have given them.
*If there is something your child cannot have or you do not want them having, please inform their counselor.